Saturday, July 21, 2007


Kaoyu and KTV with classmates and teachers after our midterm.
The teachers all rode their bikes, but we were too chicken to bike 20 minutes on Beijing streets during rush hour.

A friend and I went out for cake and got asked to fill out a consumer satisfaction survey. Putting our newfound Chinese knowledge to good use - we could actually read and answer all the questions! (the girl did laugh a little though because it took us longer than native Chinese people to fill it out)

Thanks to Carol Yu, former Light Fellow at HBA/IUP, for recommending this tiny kimbap place in Wudaokou. It's called Shrek, and super yummy.
You eat at the bar looking onto the street.
The owners got really confused when my friend and I spoke intermittently in Chinese/English/Korean (only for food names) and couldn't figure out where we were from...

our kimbap

"napkins" on the wall

Shrek really is tiny. that's the Jeans West store next door.

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